August 24, 2024



Hamel VFW
19020 Hamel Rd
Plymouth, MN, 55446



Click appropriate links below for benefit flyers and documents





2024 Beneficiaries

Amber Winter

Hi, I’m Amber Winter, and I was introduced to the Red Knights in 2019 by my now wife and in-laws, Lori,
Mark, and Barb. Since being introduced to the Red Knights I have participated in dinner rides and have
helped with the Benefit Ride since 2019. Each year since I was introduced to the Ride I have helped with
Silent Auction. I have assisted Barb and team to set up and organize the auction, helped handle
payments and handing out of items won, and tear down after the auction is completed. I have had a lot
of fun over the past 5 years getting to know everyone and spending time with the club.
Unfortunately, in December of 2023 after some very tough months I was diagnosed with Grade 1
Endometrial Cancer. This led to a whirlwind 2 months getting me to February 2023 when I had a full
hysterectomy at 36 years old. The 2 months from diagnosis to surgery were hard mentally and physically
as I had been in the process of trying to conceive a child for the majority of 2023. Sadly, that dream
ended with the diagnosis but thankfully life could go on. I was declared cancer free following the
hysterectomy and am now in the monitoring stages of the process.


Lonnie Nichols

My name is Lonnie Nichols.  I come from a large family of 8 boys and 2 girls.  I grew up in Golden Valley, MN.  After high school, I enlisted in the U.S. Army and spent 3 years of active duty at Fort Leonard Wood, Germany and Vietnam.  On July 4th, I was injured in Vietnam and sent to Japan for surgery and therapy.  I was then sent to Oakdale, PA in the fall of 1968 to finish my enlistment. I was discharged in August of 1969. After the service, I had various jobs and attended Anoka Tech and Metro Jr. College.  I didn’t find it fulfilling until I got my job with the City of Minneapolis doing construction.  I worked for 30 years for the City of Minneapolis-Sewer Department. I met my wife, Bonnie, in 1975 and got married in 1976.  We have been together for 48 years.  We raised three boys (Christopher, Andy, and Jeffrey).  Andy married Becky and gave us two beautiful granddaughters.  Andy is part of the West Metro Fire department and then joined the Red Knights.  He shared with us being part of the Red Knights and his  Motorcycle gang (as his Mother calls it! – just teasing Andy).

In late 2022 I went to the VA Medical Center for health concerns where they found a tumor in my bladder.  In December 2022, I had a resection of the bladder tumor.  This resection showed cancerous cells in my bladder.  In January I began a series of chemo.  The first treatment was for 6 weeks.  Follow up treatments were then scheduled for 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months.  I have completed 3 treatments where some treatments were delayed due to frequent bladder infections.  This June I am having a test (Cystic Three) to see if there are any more cancer cells remaining.  I am well, but the treatments cause me some discomfort and a loss of strength and energy.  I continue to have frequent infections.   Preventative chemo treatments are recommended for this type of cancer as it is often recurring.

After our oldest son, Christopher, passed away on January 30th, the Red Knights supported our entire family in many ways. 

The Red Knights should be proud of themselves for their service.  Thank you from our family.


Sarah Kelvie

My name is Sarah Kelvie. I am Toolman’s wife. A bit about me…First of all, I am a daughter, sister, mother, grandma, cousin, great aunt, friend and co – worker. I never thought that I would add cancer survivor to the list.

My cancer journey started on Monday November 20, 2023, when I had abnormal bleeding. I went to the Urgency Room. The next day, November 21st I had an ultrasound. I asked the sonographer what the red was, and she said blood vessels. I saw that they were connected to a large black mass. I knew enough to know that what I was seeing was not good. Before I got to my car to leave, my phone rang. It was the doctor calling. She said there was a 2cm mass in my uterus that looked suspicious for cancer. I asked how suspicious it was, and she said about 90%. My heart sank as I hung up the phone. I had a biopsy and the tumor removed on Tuesday December 12th. Two days later, on December 14th the doctor called with the biopsy results. I had mixed cell endometrioid high grade cancer. It was high grade because of the percentage of clear cells VS. normal cells The next day, Friday December 15th I got a call from MN Oncology, and I was scheduled to see an oncologist on December 22nd. I met with my oncologist and was scheduled for a total hysterectomy, an omentectomy, and lymph nodes biopsy. My oncologist also informed me that because of the clear cells I would have to do post – op treatment of chemotherapy or radiation. I said, “ Well, if I have to do chemo and my hair falls out, maybe I will get lucky and it will come back curly or wavy”. My surgery was Tuesday January 9th. The next seven days was incredibly stressful waiting on the pathology to come back. One week later, January 16th, the pathology results came back. I took a deep breath and asked what the results were. The nurse told me it was, “confined to the endometrium with no invasion into the muscle or lymph node involvement.” I had stage 1A cancer. I felt a huge sense of relief that it had not gone anywhere. I had 3 brachy therapy radiation treatments. My first two treatments were the end of March. The last treatment was April Fool’s Day. I worked as much as I was physically able to since the start of my cancer journey. I went down to four days a week around the beginning of May.

I had my three month check – up and it was all good. Amen! My strength and stamina is improving daily. I am able to do things after work and on the weekends. I have had tremendous support and understanding from co – workers, friends, family and my church family.

I am a cancer survivor! Words I never imagined would identify me!


Zack Bonnema

Zack Bonnema was nominated by one of his fellow firefighters from the Chaska Fire Department. He is currently the Assistant Chief of Training and has served with Chaska FD for 14 years, starting when he was 18. Zack and his wife Barbie have been married for 7 years and have two sons, Owen and JJ. 

In November of 2023 Zack was diagnosed was diagnosed with stage 3B Colon Cancer, and scheduled for surgery 2 weeks later. After surgery to remove the tumor and several lymph nodes, he was given a month to recover before starting additional treatment. He has since been on a series of chemotherapy treatments that he completed in June, and at present is cancer free! He will have ongoing testing on a regular basis to make sure it does not return.


Cash donations accepted year-round – click here


This benefit and ride welcomes both motorcycle riders
Non-motorcycle riders.


We are the Minnesota Red Knights Motorcycle Club Chapter #4 – a 501 (c) 4 Non-Profit organization.
We host an Annual Benefit Ride each year and choose a beneficiary/beneficiaries that ALL money raised from the ride go to.