When the club was young, the easiest way to tell others about it was by word of mouth. This meant that the members had to get out to visit other firefighters, and one of the best ways to do that was to visit Fire Stations. Someone came up with the idea of rewarding members who made a certain number of visits with a patch and/or a pin. Proof of these visits was needed and so the idea of Grand Tour was born.
After visiting Fire Stations beginning with the letters G R A N D T O U R members were given a patch and/or pin. Over the years, other rides were added, RED KNIGHT,FIRE HOUSE, and TWELVE STATION rides. The ultimate ride is the ALPHABET tour which includes all the letters in the alphabet and can be completed over a lifetime. WOW !
In order to earn a Grand Tour Certificate, Patch and/or Rocker you must, during the course of one (1) riding season, or for those of you lucky enough to be able to ride all year, one (1) calendar year, visit nine (9) fire Stations whose names begin with the letters GRAND TOUR, or RED KNIGHT, or FIRE HOUSE; or visit TWELVE STATION beginning with any letter of the alphabet.
You must have a picture of you and your motorcycle taken at each station, with the name sign visible, and be sure to NOTE THE DATE. Applying for a designated patch is done through the International site – please click on the appropriate link below and complete the application(S) as appropriate:
Co-riders may also earn a Certificate, Patch and Rocker and a rider and co-rider may have their picture taken together. Group photos are welcomed as well if you are doing the Tour as a chapter (please ensure that at least some of your motorcycles are in each picture)
When you have completed all five Tours you will be sent a GRAND TOUR MASTER Certificate, Rocker and a Brag Coin. The Coin has the International Seal on the front and a picture of the Memorial Stone on the back and the inscription Grand Tour Master on the outer rim.